Photo editing has changed humans.

Ronold Anthony.
3 min readMay 11, 2021

Edits, edits, edits. These are probably one of the rising words humans speak. As the smartphones began to rise in number, so did the apps and other soft wares. Editing has been on of the major essentials when it comes to taking photos and sharing them on multiple social media platforms. Many people depend on this as the major source of income. We see so many models, artists, and many people dealing which photo shoots, but have you ever seen anyone not use editing with it?

As you read this, there are thousands of people constantly editing photos or video and trying to stand out amongst the competition. It has been a daily routine for some and for others it brings happiness. There are multiple pros and cons when it comes to editing and if we look at history, it is sure as hell, the pros taking over the cons. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and most of the other top social medias completely depend on people and editing. All of the above medias offer in built editing tools and filters. This has changed people a lot and every second you can see people posting photos with edits. Yes, of course, the primary objective of social media apps is to let people do all such activities but i am just pointing out to influence of editing on people.

Here are examples of great photo edits.

All the pictures shown above are not the raw images. There are filters applied to every picture. This makes the picture look amazing and shows us even the best details it can offer. When is comes to editing, you surely need a skill. A layman may find it difficult to get more accuracy in editing any photos. Editing surely makes the image more better and it is for this sole reason, people edit each and every photo they want to post. The constant human psychology is that, only when they want to post any photos on social media, that is when they edit, else, they simply store the raw images in their galleries.

Amazing black and white filters!

Black and white filters can be best suited for wedding themes. It looks just elegant, highlighting the attires of the bride and groom and this is the preferred filter which most of the people use. Wedding days are one of the most special days in everyone’s life. I feel this theme should be used by everyone to get one of the best moments you can ever dream of. What do you think?

William Henry’s photo edit.

William Henry, who is known to be the inventor of photo editing using small software, brought these beautiful things into the world, which is now a daily thing for humans. Just observing the above picture makes it so surreal and just imagine, way back, 1814 to be precise, produced such edits, imagine what we can do now?

This is such a broad topic to discuss, which will take years to finish. With the advancement in technologies, editing and other soft wares have just become so smooth, like ‘ a cream in a cake’.

I found a site online which gives you presets of so many wonderful filters which you can apply to basically unlimited number of photos. These guys are so good and i used those presets myself just to see how good they were. If you want to know more info, you can click here!

Anyways, it was good to write this story, and i hope it was for you too, Thank for your time!

